What’s included in our accessibility checker?

Over 200 accessibility checks

Our accessibility checker covers WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2, Levels A, AA and AAA.

Screen reader simulator

Experience the web as if you were blind or partially sighted.

Color contrast checker

Check any two on-page elements for accessible color contrast.

Image alt text checks

See where alt text is missing or incorrect at a glance.

Focus order and landmarks

Understand how keyboard navigation functions on each page.

Frequently asked questions

An accessibility checker is a tool that evaluates web content against accessibility standards to ensure it can be used by people with disabilities. This is crucial for compliance with legal standards and for creating an inclusive web experience.

Accessibility checkers generally fall into two categories; free accessibility checkers which test a single page at a time (like the Silktide accessibility checker Chrome extension), and paid platforms which comprehensively and automatically test every page on your website (like Silktide’s automated accessibility testing platform).

Install the FREE Silktide accessibility checker

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