How Adobe Experience Manager users benefit from Silktide

You’ll save time by being able to access a range of Silktide’s testing inside AEM, without needing to switch between the two. This leads to improved workflow and allows you to:

  • Test draft pages and content before publishing, in around 20 seconds
  • Automatically test newly-published pages
  • Navigate directly to an individual page in AEM from Silktide

What is Silktide?

Silktide is a web governance platform that helps AEM users find and fix common problems with their content, user experience, and accessibility. By finding these issues and showing you inside AEM how to fix them, you’ll increase team productivity and pre-empt errors before your customers see them.

Which problems does Silktide test for?

  • Accessibility issues, up to the latest global standards
  • Spelling and grammar issues in 50 languages
  • Readability
  • Broken links
  • Custom policies, which can include anything from branding to contact details
  • Cookie-free analytics, including page visitors, views, and scores
  • Mobile page testing

Frequently asked questions

Which versions of AEM are supported?

– Local AEM Cloud Service SDK
– AEM 6.4
– AEM 6.5
Download Silktide’s AEM integration from our support page.

How does AEM integration work?

In Adobe Experience Manager, you simply click the Silktide icon to enable a scan on that page, whether it’s published or in draft. You’re then shown any issues found with detail on how to fix them. Simply make the amendments, save the page, and retest. Your content will be error-free before publishing.

Can I test unpublished pages in AEM?

Yes. Draft pages can be tested directly inside AEM, without needing to navigate to the Silktide dashboard. Our integration means you don’t need to install additional browser plugins or other third-party plugins.

How do I install Silktide’s AEM integration?

Head over to our support site to download our installer.

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