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How do I get people to care about web accessibility?

Getting people to care about accessibility starts with education and empathy.

Accessibility is not just about compliance; it’s about reaching out to every individual and ensuring an equitable digital experience for all.

But how do you encourage stakeholders, developers, and the wider community truly care about accessibility? This is where understanding, empathy, and strategic communication come into play.

An actionable guide to convincing stakeholders of the importance of web accessibility

You’re already a champion of web accessibility, understanding its profound impact in sectors like government, healthcare, or education. Yet, you face a common challenge: convincing others in your organization of its critical importance. This guide provides actionable steps to enlighten and persuade stakeholders about the necessity of web accessibility, leveraging free tools like Silktide’s accessibility checker and screen reader.

Start with education

Host an informative session

Organize a workshop or presentation for stakeholders. Begin with basic statistics about the prevalence of disabilities and how they impact internet use. Emphasize the legal requirements specific to your sector.

Use real-life scenarios

Explain how inaccessible content can hinder people with disabilities in real-life situations, such as applying for a job, accessing medical information, or learning online.

Demonstrate the impact

Silktide’s accessibility checker

Use Silktide’s accessibility checker to show real-time examples of accessibility issues on your website. This hands-on demonstration can be an eye-opener.

Simulate experiences

Use the screen reader tool to simulate the experience of a visually impaired user. These ‘a-ha’ moments are powerful in creating empathy and understanding.

Present the business case

Broaden market reach

Illustrate how accessible websites can reach a wider audience, including the 15% of the world’s population with disabilities.

Mitigate legal risks

Discuss the legal implications of non-compliance, highlighting recent lawsuits and fines in similar organizations.

Enhance brand reputation

Explain how commitment to accessibility can enhance your organization’s reputation and demonstrate social responsibility.

Showcase success stories

Highlight examples

Share success stories from other organizations that have improved their web accessibility. Focus on the benefits they have reaped, such as increased user engagement and positive public perception.

Before and after comparisons

Use case studies showing the improvements made on websites before and after using Silktide’s tools, emphasizing the tangible benefits.

Advocate for regular accessibility audits

Continuous monitoring

Stress the importance of regular audits to maintain accessibility standards. Silktide’s platform offers continuous monitoring, ensuring ongoing compliance and improvement.

Report progress

Regularly update stakeholders on the progress of accessibility efforts using Silktide’s reporting and analytics features. Visible progress can be very motivating.

Implement accessibility as a core value

Policy implementation

Advocate for incorporating web accessibility into your organization’s core values and policies.

Inclusive design workshops

Encourage the adoption of inclusive design principles in all projects from the outset.


Transforming the perspective of stakeholders about web accessibility requires a combination of education, demonstration, and strategic communication. By using Silktide’s tools for real-time demonstrations and continuous monitoring, along with a strong business case, you can create a compelling narrative that not only emphasizes compliance but also the broader benefits of an accessible web presence.

Remember, making the web accessible is not just about avoiding legal pitfalls; it’s about inclusivity, equality, and ensuring everyone has equal access to vital information and services.

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