We’re pleased to announce all Silktide customers now have immediate access to Silktide’s new AI capabilities.
Our Ask AI feature saves you time by explaining how to fix any specific problem Silktide discovers. It understands your code, your design, and even your CMS.
Here’s how it works.
Ask AI how to solve problems
When viewing a page inside Silktide, every issue now has an “Ask AI” button next to it:

Simply click this button to open a sidebar, where AI will explain the specific issue you’re seeing and how to fix it:

The explanation is not just static help text. Silktide uses cutting-edge AI to consider your specific code, text, and images, and to explain the specific problem you are experiencing.
Silktide knows about your CMS and related technologies. So for example, if your website uses WordPress and the Yoast plugin, our AI can tell you how to fix problems with those:

You can reply to the AI to ask follow-up questions:

Follow-up questions can help you resolve unusually tricky problems. Say Silktide gives you code to fix an accessibility issue, but that change impacts your design in a way you don’t like. You could ask Silktide to make changes to better suit your design tastes.
You can also customize the level of technical knowledge that Silktide assumes when it talks to you. Choose between very non-technical (but longer) explanations, or developer-friendly (shorter) dialogue:

How to enable Silktide’s AI features
Silktide’s AI has to be enabled by one of your account administrators before you can use it.
This is completely free of charge, but you should understand how our AI works before accepting. In particular, bear in mind:
- Silktide records conversations to enhance your experience and improve the AI’s performance
- Some of your website’s code will be sent to OpenAI (an approved 3rd party) for processing
- Our agreement with OpenAI ensures that your data will not be used to train their model
The first time an administrator chooses to use Silktide’s AI, they will be given the option to enable it for the whole account. Once this is done, everyone within the account has access.
Understanding AI credits
Silktide’s AI works on a credit model. We have given every customer exactly 1,000 AI credits for free now.
Every click of the Ask AI button (i.e. asking AI to solve a problem) uses up one credit. Asking follow-up questions also uses one credit.
This is an early access model, intended to give customers a taste of this exciting new feature. We may revise our credit model in the future, once we’ve learned from real-world use by our customers. Silktide are not currently offering more credits for sale, but we expect to do so shortly.
How clever is Silktide’s AI, really?
It’s not perfect, but you might be surprised how far AI has come.
For example, when Silktide considers the grammar of a confusing sentence like “all your base are belong to us”, it understands the joke:

And when asked to help write alternative text for a meme, it correctly suggests “Meme featuring a man with shoulder-length hair and beard, gesturing with his hand, with the caption ‘ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY IGNORE ACCESSIBILITY’”:

We continue to be amazed at the capabilities of modern Generative AI, and expect you will be too.
What’s next for AI?
Silktide will be announcing many more game-changing AI features throughout 2024.
Watch our recent “How AI will revolutionize web governance” webinar for a guided tour through the latest advances in Generative AI. And join our webinar mailing list to be notified about future AI webinars.
We expect to announce our next major AI feature in early January.
Need more help? Visit the Silktide AI support documentation.