How accessible is your website?

  • Book a demonstration of Silktide
  • We'll create a free, personalized, and interactive web accessibility scan of your website
  • We'll discuss the results on a call and explain how we can help you become more accessible
Free website accessibility scan
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How can Silktide's free website scan help me?

You'll uncover issues that you didn't know you had. Web accessibility is a complex topic, and so wide-ranging in scope that it's difficult for one person to understand. Plus, the time needed to manually assess every page on a website (especially when large websites can contain many thousands of pages), is disproportionate to your team's resources.
Silktide helps you by scanning your website, finding these problems, and alerting you to where they appear on each web page. It also explains clearly how to fix them, so you can make great progress in making your website more accessible and free from errors in no time.

When will I receive my free website scan?

We'll scan your site and contact you to book a conversation within one business day.

What is in the free website scan report?

Silktide tests websites against a wide range of accessibility criteria checked against WCAG 2.2 (the very latest standards). You'll get insights into web accessibility, mobile accessibility issues, color contrast problems, keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility, alternative text problems, and much more.

How is the report interactive?

Visit a demo report on our website, where we scanned a demo website that is deliberately filled with errors. It's great to see Silktide's capabilities, but it's always nice to get a more personalized list of recommendations. Your report will look like the demo report but will be specific to your own needs. It will contain specific recommendations for web accessibility for a selection of pages on your website.

What do I do if web accessibility problems are highlighted in my report?

Talk to us about how Silktide can benefit your organization. With access to the full platform, you'll be able to monitor your websites for problems on an ongoing basis and streamline your team's workflow. Contact us for a full demo.

How many pages are tested in Silktide's free accessibility scan?

We'll test up to 25 pages of your site for free and discuss the results on a call.

  • #1 Accessibility Platform
  • #1 Digital Governance
  • #1 Digital Analytics
4.8 Rating on G2
Independently awarded by G2.

Unlock the hidden potential of your website